Jim Pik Tin
Jim Pik Tin


英國皇家威爾斯音樂及戲劇學院(榮譽)學士 主修鋼琴演奏
Bachelor of Music (Honours) in Piano Performance at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama


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姓名/稱呼:Tommy Jim
專業資格:英國皇家威爾斯音樂及戲劇學院(榮譽)學士 主修鋼琴演奏
Bachelor of Music (Honours) in Piano Performance at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
教學經驗:由初級到FRSM 及 FTCL , 學生由3歲到成人, 教學已有14年經驗
個人專長:詹氏畢業於英國皇家威爾斯音樂及戲劇學院(RWCMD),在音樂學院深造期間,師隨Richard McMahon教授、著名鋼琴家及皇家音樂學院考試官Michael Young、Steinway & Sons Pianist Magazine鋼琴演奏教學顧問Graham Fitch學習琴藝。

詹氏於2007年離開香港遠赴英國深造音樂,期間時常舉行不同類型的音樂演奏會。在2010年詹氏參加了在英國布萊頓-霍夫(Brighton & Hove)地區的Springboard音樂節,並以第一名在鋼琴公開組及鋼琴青少年組別連續兩年勝出該比賽。詹氏亦於2014年在大師班與世界級鋼琴大師Freddy Kempf學習琴藝,令演奏層次更上一層樓。深造期間獲邀與皇家威爾斯戲劇團合作演出The mystery of Edwin Drood Musical。

詹氏擁有多次比賽及演出經驗,當中包括The Mary Rees Prize、The Eric Hodges Memorial Prize、The mystery of Edwin Drood Musical、For the Love of Brahms – Chamber Music Festival、Lewes Jazz Day、Sussex Downs International Music Concert等等。


詹氏從古典鋼琴到流行鋼琴,鋼琴伴奏到爵士樂,無論各類型的音樂演出的經驗極之豐富,亦會擔當術科考試及大型公開比賽的鋼琴伴奏。於2020年更獲得日本PIARA浜松鋼琴大賽頒發三甲老師優秀指導獎,證明指導能力水平極高。在2022年亦獲邀為Hong Kong International Music Cultural Festival Piano Competition (HKIMCF)鋼琴大賽擔任評審。於2023年在Prestige Music Academy擔任藝術總監一職。


*1. 屯門富泰* (近嶺南大學 兆康西鐵站) 
*2. 荃新南豐中心Studio*  (荃灣地鐵站A出口)
*3. 元朗PARK YOHO* (近元朗/錦上路 西鐵站)
*4. 銅鑼灣 雙三角琴 演奏廳*  (近銅鑼灣站 F2 出口)

演奏廳7呎三角琴 Concert Hall Grand Piano

Kawai RX-1 三角琴 Grand Piano

YAMAHA YUS5 專業級直立式鋼琴 Professional Upright Piano 

雙三角琴 Concert Venue Grand Pinao


▫️⏱| 30 | 45 | 60 mins
G0      |240 360 480
G1-3   |260 390 520
G4-5  |290 435 580
G6-7  |---- 495 660
G8      |---- 555 740

LRSM/LTCL                      $1140/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $1660/hr

▫️⏱| 30 | 45 | 60 mins
G0      |300 450 600
G1-3   |320 480 640
G4-5  |350 525 700
G6-7  |---- 585 780
G8      |---- 645 860

LRSM/LTCL                      $1200/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $1720/hr

▫️⏱| 60 mins
G0-5  |$820 
G6-8  |$940

LRSM/LTCL                      $1380/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $1760/hr

G0-5 $820/60mins
G6-8 $960/60mins
LRSM/LTCL                      $1680/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $2260/hr

星期一 11:45am / 12noon 元朗Park Yoho
              2:15pm/4:15pm 銅鑼灣

星期二 11am/11:45am/1:30pm/2:15pm/3:45pm/9:30pm 元朗Park Yoho

星期三  11am/11:45am/12:30pm/1pm/2:30pm/3pm/8:30pm元朗Park Yoho

星期四 11am元朗Park Yoho
             7pm 屯門富泰

星期五 11am  元朗Park Yoho
             8pm  屯門富泰

星期六  2pm/4:15pm/7:45pm 屯門富泰

星期日 6:30pm / 8:30pm 銅鑼灣



荃新天地2期商埸 (距離荃灣西西鐵站D出口步行5分鐘)

*元朗 Park Yoho*
使用YAMAHA YUS5 頂級直立式鋼琴,其腳踏功能與三角琴一樣,琴弦和琴鎚則使用了CFX 9呎演奏三角琴的材料,音色比一般Baby Grand 更優美。


*另設有網上Zoom教學授課,使用專業錄音咪 🎙及 iPhone iPad 錄影📱🎥,時間會有不同,更彈性,歡迎詳談*

Name: Tommy Jim
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Qualification: Bachelor of Music (Honours) in Piano Performance at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD)
Experiences: 14 years of teaching experience. Beginner to FRSM/FTCL, aged between 3 to adult

Tommy Jim graduated as a degree holder from the RWCMD, UK. During his studies he learned under Richard McMahon, Michael Young (Famous performer and ABRSM Examiner), and Graham Fitch (Advisor from Steinway & Sons Pianist Magazine)

Starting from the year 2007, Tommy left Hong Kong continue his music journey in the UK and join several public performances and competitions. This include ‘The Mary Rees Prize’, ‘The Eric Hodges Memorial Prize’, ‘For the Love of Brahms – Chamber Music Festival’, Lewes Jazz Day, Sussex Downs International Music Concert and so on. In 2010, he join the Brighton & Hove Springboard Music Festival and won the first prize two years in a row in both open and teenage pianist categories. In 2014, Tommy had master class with the world known pianist, Freddie Kempf. During his studies, he was invited to join the Royal Welsh Musical performing The Mystery of Edwin Drood Musical.

Other than performance, Tommy took Psychology of Music in his course which he learned different methods to overcome anxiety in piano performance. With this knowledge, he can easily help students to reduce their nervousness, improving their piano playing technique and maximize their enjoyment either in exam, competitions, or performances. 

Tommy also involved in music arrangement and composing. With his understanding of Pop Music and Jazz, he often input modern elements into classical music. In year 2017, he was invited to perform Pop music show in Hong Kong shopping malls. In 2020 Tommy was awarded a winner-teacher prize by PIARA Japan Piano competition. In 2022, Tommy was invited to be one of the judge for Hong Kong International Music Cultural Festival Piano Competition (HKIMCF). In 2023 Tommy hold the post of Artistic Director in Prestige Music Academy.

Tommy believes that every students is unique, he uses tailor made teaching method according to the level of student and their purpose in piano learning. For younger students, he input music game in his teaching which encourage piano learning in the early age. Tommy thinks that music is an international language, every soul will understand music and everything can be part of music.  

3 locations for teaching: 
*1. Tuen Mun Fu Tai* (WestRail line Siu Hong) 
*2. Tsuen Wan Nan Fung Centre Studio*  (MTR Tsuen Wan Exit A)
*3. Yeun Long PARK YOHO* (WestRail line Yuen Long)
*4. Casueway Bay doule grand piano hall* (MTR Casueway Bay Exit F2)

Facility :
Concert Hall Grand Piano
 (Tuen Mun)

K.Kawai RX-1 Grand Piano
(Tsuen Wan Studio)

YAMAHA YUS5 Professional Upright Piano 

Concert Venue Grand Pinao
(Causeway Bay Studio)

Learning @ Teacher's location💰

*Tuen Mun, Yuen Long*
▫️⏱| 30 | 45 | 60 mins
G0      |240 360 480
G1-3   |260 390 520
G4-5  |290 435 580
G6-7  |---- 495 660
G8      |---- 555 740

LRSM/LTCL                      $1140/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $1660/hr

*Tsuen Wan*
▫️⏱| 30 | 45 | 60 mins
G0      |300 450 600
G1-3   |320 480 640
G4-5  |350 525 700
G6-7  |---- 585 780
G8      |---- 645 860

LRSM/LTCL                      $1200/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $1720/hr

*Causeway Bay*
▫️⏱| 60 mins
G0-5  |$820 
G6-8  |$940

LRSM/LTCL                      $1380/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $1760/hr

Teaching @ Student's location 💰
G0-5 $820/60mins
G6-8 $960/60mins
LRSM/LTCL                      $1680/hr
FRSM/FTCL                     $2260/hr

⏰Teaching slot🕐

MONDAYS 11:45am / 12noon @ Yuen Long Park Yoho
                 3:45pm/4:15pm/4:45pm/5pm/8:45pm/9:15pm@ CityWalk 2
                  2:15pm/4:15pm @Casueway Bay

TUESDAYS 11am/11:45am/1:30pm/2:15pm/3:45pm/9:30pm @ Yuen Long Park Yoho

WEDNESDAYS  11am/11:45am/12:30pm/1pm/2:30pm/3pm/8:30pm @ Yuen Long Park Yoho

THURSDAYS 11am @ Yuen Long Park Yoho
                        7pm @ Tuen Mun Fu Tai Studio

FRIDAYS 11am  @ Yuen Long Park Yoho
                 8pm @ Tuen Mun Fu Tai Studio

SATURDAYS  2pm/4:15pm/7:45pm @ Tuen Mun Fu Tai Studio

SUNDAYS  6:30pm / 8:30pm @ Casueway Bay

*Tuen Mun Fu Tai Studio*
Fu Tai Estate, Tuen Mun (near Lingnan University, Siu Hong Westrail line Exit F)
Equipment : Yamaha concert hall grand piano

*Yuen Long Park Yoho Studio*

*Tsuen Wan Studio*
Tseun Wan Nan Fung Centre 22/F 2201E Hong Kong (Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A)

*Causeway Bay Studio*
Room 1304, Progress Commercial Building, 9 irving street, Causeway Bay (Causeway Bay MTR Station Exit F2) 

Feel free to consider come to my studio for lesson 

Online lesson using ZOOM are now available ‼️ Flexible Learning at anytime.